Friday, May 23, 2008

In which opposites and supposed crimes are perpetrated

(Hey, it's paul,  waddaya think of this?)

(Audience is introduced to room or area strewn with a range of articles and a notepad of paper.)

Narrator:  Look at this mess... can't stand a mess.  You know what they say... nature abhors a vacuum.  We'd better do something about this.  Take all these objects and arrange them into two piles, but not randomly.  This mess needs order.  Choose a reason... such as... all the things with wheels go in one pile , while all things without wheels go in another.  When you are done, write the reason on that blank paper over there and then tear your sheet of paper off the pad and turn your piece of paper upside down.


Kim: When I grow up I'm never cleaning my room again!

Mom:  Well, then everyone is going to think you're a pig.  They'll call you "pig pig pig girl" and ask me how I ever could've raised you.

Kim:  I'd rather be a pig girl than a repressed WASP like you!  

Mom:  At least I HAVE something TO repress missy!  Not like you.

Narrator:  MY, my, my.  You are very creative and also fast.  Is there another way these could've been grouped?  Maybe, but your way is clearly the best.  Very nice job.  Now take the piece of paper you used before and draw your favorite animal on the unused side of the paper.  

Dad:  What the hell is going on here!  What are these piles for?  What'n the hell is wrong with you!

Mike:  I dunno.

Dad:  Thats your answer for everything, isn't it!

Mike:  Whatever.

Dad:  I'll give you "whatever" you little son of a bitch!

Narrator: Ok now.  Is you're animal complete?  Put those finishing touches on it now.  Ooooh, very good.  Hey, that's my favorite animal too.  So now I want you to choose which pile you would put your animal in using those same parameters you used before.  Even if your animal does not fit, you must choose a pile.  All done?  Very good.  Now I want you to mess up your piles!  Go ahead, it's alright.  Excellent!  Now create a mess of the  piles as if this were the scene of a terrible crime.  YES!  OH MY GOD!  MORE MESS  YESSSSS!  Quick, here come the cops!  Grab the animal that you drew and quickly post it near the door by the others!  Animal side up!  QUICK!  YOU"D BETTER HURRY!  Good!  Now you'd better leave.  Let's pretend like this never happened.               

1 comment:

Moss Derringer said...

I think the Kim/Mom scene might have to be longer for the audience to get the task done.